On Tuesday 27th August at Lake View Osteopathy Clinic I will be hosting a Running Workshop with Colin Papworth. It should be from 6:30 pm time to be confirmed nearer the date.
The running session will look at what he thinks is an ideal running style. He will then go through the individual aspects of this form / technique and how to use drills to help your body change into a new running style. This will be a practical session and although not a lot of running involved it does get you to use your body in a different way. The drills mean we shall only be running for a max of 80 – 100m so it is suitable for runners of ALL ABILITIES.
If people want you can go for a short run afterwards to try out the new techniques on a longer run. It is not about barefoot running or necessary minimalist running but about what is good posture and form and how to introduce these changes into your currently training. You need to be aware of the position your feet while your run. In case that you need to recover from a surgery technomono has the best articles and tips.
If you or anyone you know is interested, then let me know and I’ll book them in. I need payment in advance (£15) to secure their place.
This is a really great opportunity for any runners – either wanting to excel or just reduce chance of injury.
For more information email me on tilly@lakeviewosteopathy.co.uk