Prevention is better than cure:
Even if your feeling fine, due to human nature we pick up terrible habbits at work and at home putting all sorts of peculiar strains on our bodies. Ideally you should visit your osteopath as an “MOT” to correct minor problems in order to prevent the more major injuries from occuring. Not only can this save you from suffering, it is also more cost effective; a treatment every 6 months equates to 2 treatments per year, on the other hand 3 or 4 sessions per injury will usually equate to a minimum of 8 sessions per year! Obviously I can’t promise that you won’t suffer any major injuries due to accidents inbetween check-ups, but ensuring your body is structurally efficient will allow it to cope with injuries far better than without.
Acute Injuries
If you are unfortunate enough to suffer an injury, the sooner you get it sorted the better! Although the body has amazing abilities to ‘fix’ itself it often takes a while and in this time will perform a number of weird and wonderful compensatory techniques to avoid pain. The one problem with this being that these techniques can cause other problems elsewhere! i.e. limping, being the most obvious, will put more strain onto the un-injured leg and also overload the lower back and sometimes affect higher up into the spine too! Worst of all – these compensatory changes can also become habbitual and you can find it difficult to return to walking normally even once the pain has gone.
If you are feeling too sore for a treatment immediately after an injury it helps to put an ice pack or frozen peas on the area to reduce swelling and reduce the severity of your injury. In the meantime give me a call and we can discuss your injury and book you in for the most suitable time for you – afterall everybody is unique!
To contact me directly email me on: (this comes straight to my phone so I will aim to reply within and hour). Alternatively call me on 01234 378181, if I am busy treating I will call back as soon as I am able to.