Colin Papworth, Podiatrist Bedford


Colin is a fantastic podiatrist based in Sheffield. Tilly regularly refers to Colin and arranges Running Workshops with him for those that don’t have time to visit his clinic in Sheffield. We are now fortunate enough to welcome Colin to Lake View on a once monthly basis.

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Treatment Options

  • Basic: £50, 30-45 mins, Injury Assessment, Biomechanical assessment, Treatment, Ongoing plan
  • Running Gait Retraining: £50, 60 mins, Walking and running gait analysis, Exercises, Drills, Ongoing plan
  • Running Intro: £90, 60-90 mins, Injury Assessment, Biomechanics assessment, Video running assessment, Treatment, Exercises, Ongoing plan
  • Running Performance: £120, 2 hrs, Injury assessment (if required), Biomechanics assessment, Video running assessment, Treatment, Exercises, Running drills, Ongoing plan

For more details on treatment options Click HERE

Podfo Insoles

Although we offer other bespoke orthotics, Podfo are super special; they offer bespoke biometric insoles seamlessly designed for the closest fit to your foot to provide enhanced performance and improved comfort.

Designed and manufactured using specialist advanced technology, our custom insoles boast a range of features to benefit you.

Learn More about Podfo HERE


About Colin

Colin has been working with runners and sports people of all abilities for over 11 years. His time spent as podiatrist before this was leading the musculoskeletal podiatry service for Kensington and Chelsea PCT in London. He has spent time as part of the support team at the High Performance Centre at Loughborough firstly assessing and then, if required, prescribing orthoses to elite athletes.

Colin provides podiatry assessments to some of the GB teams from his Sheffield clinic and is currently working with GB boxing, Paralympic table tennis and diving, and has provided services for volleyball, basketball and some individual athletes. He has worked with Lake View athlete Gill Fullen, read what she had to say HERE.

Colin has also had many years working with the army rehabilitation teams and has many hours experience of helping athletes of all abilities and feels that the experiences of non-elite sports people is vital to developing his skills as a clinician.

Colin’s aim during his time with you is to help you understand why you move the way you do and how you move could be contributing to your injury or affecting your performance. He will then explain to you what he thinks is happening and what you need to do to change. This could be achieved by a variety of options and he shall explain them to you so you can formulate a plan together. Colin has a lot of experience of working in multidisciplinary teams, understanding how people can change the way they move, offering short term treatments to sort out current injuries and formulating treatment plans for long term success. His knowledge of footwear is extremely useful in helping you make sure you are in the right footwear for your biomechanics, running style, short and long term training plans.

Colin’s expertise also extends to Running Technique and he runs a number of the Accelerate Performance Centre’s Technique Worshops. His experience extends across all genres of running including road and track to trail and fell. In the last 12-months he has been helping England fell runners Tom Saville and Stuart Bond and has advised World Champion Silver Medallist Emma Clayton. Steve Judge, World, European and UK Para-Triathlete Champion is another who has benefitted from Colin’s experience.

His philosophy is to ensure that you are able to maximise your potential by helping you address the most important of issues – how your feet and body work together to propel you forward.

Alternatively, call 07530 860 800 or email
