I’m Tilly, I’m an Osteopath and I like to fix people!

I absolutely LOVE helping people to get the most out of there life – fixing any aches or pains that may be stopping them from doing what they would like to do.

However, this becomes more difficult when people think they aren’t worth fixing, and believe me – a lot of people think this!

It astounds me the number of people that put themselves to the bottom of the pile, putting everyone else before them. If you keep putting yourself to the bottom of the priority pile, you run yourself down, those small things that could have been fixed get harder to fix.

Thing is, when your broken – what good are you to all of those people you’ve put above you? What will they do?

So – if you know ANYONE that puts everyone else before themselves, send them my way, if only for an MOT – make sure their body is functioning as well as it can – help them get the most out of their lives too!

I’m Tilly, I’m an Osteopath and I like to fix people!


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